play this song and bounce, this your favorite song get down ☆*。★゚*♪ヾ(☆ゝз・)ノ♪

i'll try to keep this intro as short as possible (im not very good at being concise ><)
my name is robbie, you can also call me ryu. my only pronouns are he/hym, they're pronounced and used the same way as he/him! i'm a computer science major, aspiring game designer, and art hobbyist.

i made this website as a way to teach myself HTML and CSS, as well as to procrastinate on doing my topics on computing homework LOL i'll be updating it as i learn

things you can come to expect from this account:

ok that's about everything i'm gonna put for now my head hurts, here's a bunch of random blinkies


while ur here check out my art friends tacks, nana, and marsh hehe